
i know.

I know that one day the clouds will have to part.
I know that one day the sun will come back out.
I know.
One Day.

The theatre spoke with a resounding blackness that seemed to drown out every sound, from the pounding drums bellowing from the orchestra pit to the muffled whispers emerging from the back rows. My entire being was engulfed by what was happening on stage....
one man, tangled in a web of confusion, searching for truth.
one woman, believing in the truth, regardless of what appears to be, leaving her own in perseverence of victory.
All the while, saying....

I know that one day the clouds will have to part.
I know that one day the sun will have to come out.
I know.
One Day.

My mind struggles to conceive all the thoughts, questions, ideas, and worries that spun me into a journey...a search...
What am I searching for, you might ask....I'm not so sure.

When I do....I'll let you know.


Blogger priscilla said...

that was awsome! I really like what you wrote. You are such an awesome writer!

2:49 PM  

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