
It's whatever.

I think one of the most frustrating feelings in the entire world is to feel misunderstood...that's probably the reason I am so persistant with walking in the truths of the character of Jesus...
Why do people assume you're asking for something that you're not...I place so much importance on words. I say what I mean...nothing more, nothing less. I do my best never to assume anything about anyone...take things and people for what they say and do. Living in assumptions is terrible and usually only hurts yourself...
No one can know what is giong to happen until it happens...thats what risk is all about...be willing to walk in the "now" and see where it leads you...no matter where it ends. Is it worth it?...well, it's a decision no one else can make.
What does it have to be one way or another...God, I don't want to walk away...the thought of living life without knowing how you're doing, what you're doing...I don't even want to think of it. But can we be that...and just that?...I don't know. Please try to be my friend...want to be my friend...want to be in my life...regardless of what it looks like.

Gosh, this is a blog of ramblings...thank God no one really reads it besides the two people who I'm sure have heard this 1000 times today...


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