
An Old Friend.

My life is unpredictable. Some call it instability. I call it spontaniety.
But in the midst of the everyday excitement of asking "what will happen today, Jesus?" there are a few stabilizers that make me sit back, relax and take a deep breath. A few stabilizers that I know regardless of where I go or what I do, will continue to bring the continuity to my days...

An old friend. In an effort to keep his identity disclosed, this man will be referred to as...an old friend.

I saw an old friend last night and for the first time in quite some time, we spent a few hours just talking. Conversation to conversation, from laughing about 'going to hell' at old church conferences to discussing the irrifutable actions that must occur in relation to a group of Jesus fanatics who are ready to take on the city. Everytime I see an old friend...or even talk about an old friend, something in me happens. It's an overwhelming love, a sense of protection, honor and respect that seriously brings me to tears. Weird? I know...it kind of is. But its true. Our years of deep friendship have spawned into something incredibly beautiful...and whether it continues to be a friendship, I'm just not sure. Since our introduction, he has taken a place (in my life) on a pedastool, as someone who has set the par as to who and what a man should be...yet existing out of my 'reality,' seemingly impossible for me to have someone so...yea...in my life. What does that mean? Oh, I have no idea.

What I do know is that regardless of what appears to be becoming or what will undoubtedly be a long-lasting relationship, my heart is overwhelmed by my old friend. And I hope it doesn't take so long for another last night. I guess the old sayings are true...

There's nothing like being with an old friend.

Thank you old friend...for being you. And not an old friend at all.


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