
Vulnerability or chinese water torture?


I've never been bungee jumping or sky diving but I'm pretty sure that the five seconds before each "jump" feels pretty similar to what I feel right now. Feels like someone is hanging on to my beltloop, dangling me off a cliff and I'm just hanging there...not sure when they're gonna let go or even if they will, for that matter. At random points in time I feel land beneath my feet but for the most part, everything feels like I've already fallen...but I haven't. Not yet. And whats even worse is that most first timers don't jump alone, you do it with a professional, someone who has jumped thousands of times...so in all reality, you have no choice of when the moment will arrive when you find yourself plumeting into thin air. All you can do is wait...close your eyes, hang on for dear life, and wait. It's a terrifying yet exhilirating feeling which really leads me to ask the question...which is worse, vulnerability..or chinese water torture? At this point...they are pretty close to even.


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