
Time to think...

I've layed in bed for quite sometime now, computer in lap, attempting to write but no words seeming to fit and struggling to decipher what exactly is brewing inside. I'm having a "small" moment...I decided to look back at my blog (something I rarely do) and read past entries. The more I read, the deeper my heart began to feel the pure delight of our King has he has delivered his faithfulness and restoration over my life....

When my eyes can't see
And my ears can't here
I can trust in your goodness
I can stand on your mercies
I can lean on your promises
Because your love endures forever!

Papa, you are so faithful. You are so good. My soul aches for more of you...I long for a place that goes deeper, deeper into your presence. I want inspiration. I want your words. I want my face to resemble yours, sweet Jesus, and my eyes to overflow with the golden river that flows from the depths of yours.

Sometimes I get so overwhelmed when I think of the extent my sovereign God has gone to save my life...I can just sit....


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