
stopping to smell the rose

Endless days I've spent in this very seat. The window seat in the back of Bongo Java...the morning employees always know where I am, waiting on my coffee...or wheat bagel, double toasted...or hummus bomb...depending on my mood and time of day. The day seems ordinary, yet something....something is different. The clock reads 6:29. In about 10 minutes I'm walking to the Curb to watch my 4th Best of the Best Showcase....interesting, it is. A routine that seems so familiar, yet in a just a few weeks will become a memory and stepping stone as such a significant chapter of my closes and the rest of my life truly begins. Graduation has seemed surreal until now. Anticipated yes, but I've been, I don't know...preoccupied, I suppose.

--- break for showcase ---

Wow. What a great show. I couldn't help but feel Papa's delight and excitement as his kids shined and excelled...and I couldn't help but feel overwhelmed as I retraced the amazing journey of some of the artist's that I've had the honor to witness. I think I'll spend my next few posts honoring some people and memories that stand out from the past four years...

Sarah Beth: a dear friend from many years ago who will forever be my favorite roomie. "We're At WAR!" to our pineapple pizza parties...from the minute we were the first Hail roomies to show up on orientation morn, you were an essential element in the beginning of my Belmont career....now we are both getting married to the men who were the subjects of our late night talks and cries...wow. amazing.

Linz: a woman who I believe in with everything I am, whose dreams I long to see fulfilled and walk in the fullness of Papas love. A venti, extra-ice coffee frap, please...you are truly amazing, linz...you were destined for greatness. your smile and laugh breathe life into the darkest of places...

Betsy: a friend from a distance yet always admired. your beauty is captivating and joy is contagious. We had a great talk at Summit, several years ago...remember? A great talk...if I remember correctly, the topic of conversation just happens to be the man who placed a beautiful diamond on my finger just a few weeks ago...hehe. You are inspiring, able to move and shake your atmosphere without speaking a word. Just being...you...is enough. Stunning.

Troy: I must take credit, you do understand, at least partial credit, for all acheivements in your life...thank you, troy, for allowing me to take part in a small season of your life. Beyond anything else, remember....chase your dreams, never underestimating who you are and what you can achieve...

Nicole: such a great friend. So present during one season of my life yet remaining a close sister. Late night ventures to Waffle House...a binding of spirits that even with months of unspoken words, a smile or glance will always take us back to those first few months at Belmont...

Rob: watching you tonight at the showcase was somewhat overwhelming. Remembering you...so different...four years ago, skinny little guy at that log cabin for the weekend...remember our valiant attempt to set the world's largest record for the biggest hug?? ... as we shared our stories...our hearts. Dreams being fulfilled, is what you represented tonight...it has truly been an honor to watch you these past few years...

Mike, Jesse, Seth, Sam & Jon: you'll forever be those freshmen guys from Pembroke...Jesse, was and will forever be on on my "top 8" of life. Sam, a cup that Papa is waiting to fill with the mysteries of heaven. Mike, whose voice permeates the atmosphere with the presence of sweet Jesus. Jon, my brother, wellspring of laughter and dreams will shake lives. And Seth. The mysterious one I've never really known but often wondered what was beneath...and whose music blew me away when I discovered it a few hours ago...wow. Understanding in an instant that inside you is a breeding ground for music and wisdom that will seriously...have no boundaries. Together...an inspiration..

---- to be continued ---


The enemy's voice is silenced by the loudness of your truth.
A truth that sets me free...

You really love me. You really love me. You really love me.